For a Happier, Healthier Pregnancy
Pregnancy yoga classes Tuesdays 7.00pm – 8.00pm **in YogaNextDoor** with Melissa Curtis

Pregnancy is the beginning of a wonderful journey between a mother and her baby. It is also a time of physical and emotional change, by practising prenatal yoga a woman can prepare both physically and mentally for childbirth and beyond.
Yoga means “Union” or oneness of the body and mind. It consist of carrying out various asana’s (postures) combined with focus on the breath. Movement through the asana’s should be done slowly and in harmony with your breath, focusing on what your body is feeling and working within your limitations. Not only do you reap the benefits of a physical workout combined with opening the various energy channels in your body, it brings a greater self awareness to you the woman. It allows you time to nurture yourself in a safe, warm & encouraging environment with like minded people. In turn allowing you to relax and enjoy your new found bodily changes and to connect with your unborn baby.
Benefits of Pregnancy Yoga
- Increases physical strength & flexibility thereby increasing stamina & fitness for labour.
- Learning Breathing Techniques, supplying Oxygen to you & your baby. A great tool to have during Labour.
- Deep relaxation, releasing fears, tensions, stress and worries of the day.
- Promotes healthy sleep.
- Allows the body & mind to let go.
- Promotes better postural alignment, decreasing the possibility of back pain.
- Increases energy levels.
- Strengths & tones the pelvic floor in preparation for birth and beyond.
- Creates a sense of well being.
- A supportive environment to be around with others on the same beautiful journey.
- Allows you to flourish and enjoy this special time.
- This class is practiced in the snug of our studio with all available props to make your practice more comfortable.
€19 drop in or €85 for a 6 class pass (Valid 2 months). Pre book on the APP Hot Yoga Dublin.